Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Baking Should Be A Crime

One of my hobbies is baking. I happen to be very good at it. Every so often I send baked goods into work with my husband, Nick. The guys at his office love my baking. I love hearing about how much they love my baking. Ok, so I like approval. So sue me.

A few weeks ago I sent in dozens and dozens of cookies. Nick brought them into some muckity muck meeting where he says they were attacked like chum in the water of a shark tank. Afterward there were a few cookies left so Nick brought them down to one of the IT rooms to share with the peons, since he was one in the not so distant past and decided to bring joy into their windowless lives.

Apparently one of the less important muckities HAD to have more cookies so he went around asking where they had gone. Upon finding out where they were he staked out the room. A room he didn't have access to, because important secure stuff he didn't have proper clearance for went on behind the key-carded door. So he waited for someone with a card to enter, elbowed his way in, and went for the cookies.

An argument broke out. The techs attempted to kick him out of the room. He refused to leave. They insisted he couldn't be there due to security measures. He insisted he was important enough to be wherever he wanted to be. And so forth and so on.

It all became intensely heated and the guy in question had to be called in to a meeting with the head muckity muck about breaching security procedures. Over my cookies. I still don't know if he got any. But they are now legendary.

The real irony of all this is that Nick works for this company mainly doing things with IT security. He's so good at it that he's no longer one of the peons without a window. I guess he can wipe a virus, restore a hard drive, and set up a firewall without a problem. But he'll never see the chocolate chips coming.

Today I sent in mini cheesecakes. I await the impending destruction of the company.

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